Friday 7 December 2018


Having had a little retail therapy for the last couple of days, today is physiotherapy day.  Exercises and a tens machine are key to today because I am unable to let anybody touch my back as it is too painful.  Having had the first session on Tuesday I got good and bad news.  The bad news was that it is six vertebra that have collapsed, four on the left and two on the right and they have trapped both the sensory and motor nerve in the left leg which is why I don't have feeling from the knee down in the left side.  Makes for some interesting walking and standing options lol.  The good news is with five different types of physiotherapy it is fixable without the need for scalpels but could take up to 18 months for it to fix.  All this from a fall at Easter where I broke my hand too, lesson learned, I need to be more careful when out and about.

What doesn't kill makes you stronger so they say!

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